Monday, October 19, 2015

Why Appreciative Discernment?

Yago Abeledo: Why do you think the General Council chose Appreciative Discernment as a method to use at the next General Chapter?

Charles Obanya: May I start my answer by pointing out that Appreciative Inquiry has an empowering philosophy. It focuses on positive narratives. Just as negative narratives have the power to construct a diminished and powerless Society; positive narratives have the power to do the opposite. Why did the GC choose Appreciative Inquiry? I am not sure I know exactly why. I can only suspect why it was chosen.

If we look at our Society in its various dimensions of life and work such as Mission, personnel, financial and material resources, governance and leadership, we can say that we are in a great time of transition. Transitions can create some anxieties and even crises than lead to lose of vitality. They can generate negative narratives. I suspect the General Council chose Appreciative Discernment because it draws us into positive narratives that are rooted in our past and also in our present. These positive narratives can contribute to protecting, maintaining and increasing our vitality in the mission of Christ.

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